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ky-footsteps		August 06 2001		Volume 01 : Issue 82


Today's Topics:

  #1 [KYF]  ESTATE INV: 

            Brandenburgh, 1807; Clark Co., KY


            Heirs of Matthias Brandenburgh and the Brandenburgh Estate in Germany; 
            Nov. 23, 1888, 
            Clark & Meade Co, KY.

______________________________X-Message: #1

Date: Monday, August 06, 2001 1:16 PM
From: Virginia M. Finley [mailto:Virginia.Finley@Bigfoot.com]
Subject: [KYF] ESTATE INV: Brandenburgh, 1807; Clark Co., KY


 "Inventory of MATTHIAS BRANDENBURGH’s Estate"

"Agreeable to an Order of the Court in full, County Court of Clark,
directed to Edward Hockaday, James Morrow and Isaac Hockaday (who
first sworn) have appraised in current money the personal estate of
Matthias Brandenburg, Deceased, as follows, viz:

						  L	S	D
  l	Bay Horse at $20
  1 	Gray Horse at $30	            	  6	0	0
  1	Sorrel Horse at $30			 12	0	0
19	Head of Hoggs				  0	 1     13
  3	Yearling Cattle  $10			  3	0	0
  1	Small Heifer at $5			  1	10	0
  1	Red Cow and Calf at $7			  0      2      2
  1	Black Cow and Calf at $8		  0      2      8
  1	Brindle Cow at $6			  1	16	0
  1	Red & White Cow and Calf at $6		  0	 1     16
  1	Loom at $7				  2	 2	0
  4	old Stays at				  0	11	0
  2	old Tubs at 2/6 each			  0	 5	0
20	old feathers at 1/0			  1	 0	0
  3	old Plows at $5				  0	 1     10
  3	Do Weading Hoes at 1/8			  0	 4      6
  2	Axes					  0	12      6
  2	Do Iron Wedges at  3 each		  0      6	0
  1	Do Crop Law				  0	12	0
  1	Laggside Doubletree of 2 cleves		  0 	 0     12
  1	Flan Handle				  0	10	0
  1	pair of (?) yards			  0	 0      8
  2	Hand Axes @ 6 each &
	Screw Auger @ 4/6			 16      6	0
  1	Frow 4/6 Three Saw Mill, Doggs
	Saw Rest & Crowbars 15/			  0	19      6
  1	Drawing Knife Screw Auger 2/6		  0	 2      6
  5	old Planes  6  & Lott of  old Iron 18/	  0	 1	4
  1	old Hand Saw & Tennant Do @ 6/ each	  0	 0     12
  1	Millwrights Cage clipped with
           Three old Reap Hooks  1/6		  0	10	6
  1	Adds 3/  old Cotton Wheel 7/6
	Two old Flags Do Reed 20/		  1	10	6
  2	Pairs of Gears & old Saddle   7/6
	One Chest    6/				  0	13	8
  1	Bedstead & 				  5	 8	0
	Furniture				  0	61	15
  1	Large Broken Pot 15/
	One Large Oven  20/			  1	12	0
  2	Pots & Small Oven  2/
	Four Pot Hooks & Rack  18/		  2	 2	0
  2	Tubs  5/  One Green Stone  6/
	Two bees Stands  9/			  1	 0	0
  1	Bed, Bedstead & Furniture  $ 20		  0	 0	6
  1	Large Chest with Drawers  15		  0	 1	19
  1	Square Table  7/  & Lott of ---50	  2	17	6

						L	S	D
  1	Pepper Mill  4/
	Seven Knives & Forks & six Spoons  	  9/	0	13
  3	Tea Cups  1/6  One Cupboard  18/	  0	0	19
  7	Chairs  21/  One Bookcase  5/		  1	16	0
						18	15	0
						61	15	0

	TOTAL					--	80	10

	Given under our hand the 21st day of March 1807.


At a Court held for Clarke County on the 23rd day of March 1807, this
Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of MATTHIAS BRANDENBURGH,
deceased, was produced, app’d & Ordered to be recorded.

						Teste	D. BULLICK  C.C.C.

State of Kentucky	)
			)  SS
County of Clarke		)

	I, CLYDE CHOVETT, Clerk of Clarke County Court do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the inventory and
appraisement of MATTHIAS BRANDENBURGH, deceased, as appears of record
in my said office in WILL BOOK NO. 2, PAGE 240.

	Given under my hand this 23rd day of January 1951.

					Clyde Grannett, Clerk,
					By Mildred Lindsay, D. C.

"The Inventory of MATTHIAS BRANDENBURGH’s personal Estate is in Clark
County, Kentucky Will Book No. 2, page 240, dated March 21, 1807.
Appointment of adm. David and admx Esther, order Book 4, page 168.
Indenture made and entered March 27, 1821 between Samuel M. Taylor,
Samuel M. Taylor commissioner appointed by the Clark Circuit Court to
convey for Samuel R. Combs of the one part and HENRY BRANDENBURGH,
JOHN WARREN and NANCY, his wife, late Nancy Brandenburgh, WILLIAM VERTREES
and SARAH, his wife, late Sarah Brandenburgh, JOSEPH BRANDENBURGH,
THOMAS GREEN and CATY, his wife, late Caty Brandenburgh,  
immediate heirs and Elijah Fitzgerald (he married Elizabeth Brandenburgh), 
Silas Fitzgerald, William Fitzgerald, Polly Fitzgerald and Hetty Fitzgerald, 
heirs of ELIZABETH FITZGERALD, late Elizabeth Brandenburgh, 
all heirs and legal representatives deceased of the other part, etc., etc. . . . "


"Inventory of Sale of the Total Personal Estate
 of Matthias Brandenburgh"

Page 1
							L	  S	  D
1 Dozen old Pewter Plates, two Basons & two dishes	1	  1	10
1 Feather Bed & furniture - L 4.10.; one Cupboard - 13S	5	  3	  -
1 Chest with two Drawers @ 16S2D, 7 Chairs @ 6S6D	1	10	  4
1 old Table @ 6S2D, 1 Flax Hachel @ 6S6D		-	12	  8
1 pair Steelyards @ 6S2D, 1 Bedstead & Cord @ 10S	-	17	  2
1 Looking Glass @ 2S6D, 1 old Coffee Mill @ 2S3D	-	  4	  9
1 Feather Bed & Furniture @3L12S6D, 1 Chest @ 4S6D	3	17	  9
1 Bedstead & Cord @ 7S6D, 1 Cotton Wheel @ 6S1D		-	13	  7
1 old Clock Reel @ 2S3D, 1 Flax Wheel @ 9S2D		-	11	  5
1 old Flax Wheel @ 2S6D, 1 Millrights Chisel @ 8S	-	10	  6
1 old Crosscut Saw @ 1L4S, 2 old Axes & 1 Auger		1	19	  -
1 Drawing Knife @ 4S, 1 Hand Saw @ 11S1D		-	15	  1
2 Iron Wedges @ 7S1D, 1 Frow & Sundry old Irons @ 8S7D  -	15	  8
2 old Harness Cuting Knife & Auger @ 6S2D		-	  6	  2
1 ? Mill Saw @ 5S1D, 4 old Planes @ 4S6D		-	  9	  7
1 Tunnel Saw @ 6S, 3 Saw Mill Dogs, set of Files 10S6D	-	16	  6
1 Clevis Ring & 3 old Sickles @ 5S			-	  5	  -
1 old Broadaxe @ 5S2D, Sundry old Irons @ 5S1D		-	10	  3
1 old Falling Axe @ 4S6D, 1 Adze @ 4S6D			-	  9	  -
1 Crowbar @ 9S, old Knives & forks at 1S6D		-	10	  6
2 Bee Hives @ 1L3S5D, 1 old Grindstone @ 2S		1	  5	  5
1 Falling Axe @ 1-S1-D. 2 Shovel  Plows @ 1L5S3D	1	16	  2

	TOTAL  AMOUNT	 1st Page:			25	00	  7

Page 2

2 ?  ?  ?   @ 9S1D, 1 set of Doubletrees @ 6S10D	-	15	11
1 ?  Shear @ 10S3D, 3 old Hoes @ 8S1D			-	18	  4
1 old Man’s Saddle @ 3S6D, 1 pot Trammel @ 14S6D	-	18	  -
2 Dutch Ovens & one pair of Hooks @ 1L7S		1	  7	  -
1 Small Pot ?  Bale  @ 12S6D				-	12	  6
2 old ? Tubbs @ 3S, 1 Log Slide @  4S6D			-	  7	  6
1 Loom  @  1L1S,  1 old Hogshead  @  1S6D		1	  2	  6
1 Sorrel Horse @ 7L11S,  1 Grey Horse @ 6L12S		14	  3	  -
1 Small Bay Horse  @ 11L17S				11	17	  -
1 Black Cow @ 2L2S, 2 Red Heifers  @ 2L8S		4	10	  -
1 Red Cow  &  Calf  @ 2L12S				2	12	  -
1 Red & White Heifer @  1L16S				1	16	  -
1 Brindle Heifer  @ 1L5S				1	  5	  -
3 Head of Cattle one year old @  1L5S			1	  5	  -
9 Hogs  @ 1L10S						1	10	  -
		AMOUNT of Second Page		L	37	19	  9
		AMOUNT of First Page brought over	25	00	  7
		AGREGATE AMOUNT:			63	00	  4

______________________________X-Message: #2


Heirs of Matthias Brandenburgh and the Brandenburgh Estate
in Germany; Nov. 23, 1888, Clark & Meade Co, KY.

Date:  Monday, August 06, 2001 2:16 PM
From: Virginia M. Finley [mailto:Virginia.Finley@Bigfoot.com]
Subject: Subject: [KYF] LEGAL PAPERS: 
Heirs of Matthias Brandenburgh and the Brandenburgh Estate in Germany; 
                  Nov. 23, 1888, Clark & Meade Co, KY.

		The Brandenburgh Estate in Germany

The article below is copied (printer’s errors and all) from a newspaper
clipping, the date and part of the name were missing:  ____PRESS.  NEW
YORK We______.  

The last word was probably Weekly, and perhaps the first
word was EXPRESS.  The clipping was reprinted in "Our Ancestors",
February 6, 1957.  There are a number of "facts" given that have proven
to be in error as well—these are documented in the pages that follow.

	"Denver, Colo., Aug. 10---C. E. BELL of Louisville, Ky., arrived in
this city a few days ago for the purpose of consulting with his
attorney, John C. Keegan, and is perfecting claims of heir to the
Brandenburg estate situated near Berlin, Germany, and valued at
$10,000,000.00.  Mr. Bell said yesterday that all the heirs of this
estate live in America.  They number nearly a hundred, and are
confident of their ability to obtain possession of their property, out of their
hands nearly 200 years.

"Solomon Brandenburg, about the year 1700, offended one of the Royal
Hohenzollerns and had his estate confiscated by the Crown as
punishment.  MATTHIAS BRANDENBURGH , the only heir of Solomon, came to
America and settled with his family in Winchester, Virginia.  Then
they removed to Meade County, Kentucky, where he was killed by an accident
in 1807, leaving a family of 12 children, one of whom was the grandfather
of Mr. Bell.  Before his death, MATTHIAS told his family of the estate
in Germany and the first confirmation of his words was the appearance
of an advertisement in American and German papers in 1862, inquiring the
whereabouts of the heirs of Solomon Brandenburgh, several years before
a bill passed the Reichstag restoring the estate.  The castle on the
estate is said to be one of the handsomest in Europe and is at present
tenanted by Court Herbert von Bismarck."

I haven’t attempted to locate the records of the Denver attorney, John
C. Keegan, but, if they could be found, they might contain the names
and addresses of the "nearly a hundred" Brandenburghs, and other
interesting material as well !

	Mr. Bell was "never able to force recognition by the government"
(German?).  Brandenburgh researchers have since spent thousands of
dollars and years of time trying to locate proof that one of our
ancestors was a half-brother to Frederick II The Great (1712-1786), to
no avail; however, a few years ago a Solomon Brandenburg was located
in the Netherlands. (See page 499). (By B. A. Deatrick)

"I have a hand written family history written, by my g-g-grandfather,
Henry Theodore Brandenburg, in 1889, establishing that he personally
knew the five sons of William Henry Brandenburg, his great

In this letter he states his grandfather William Brandenburg was "born
on the water" October 8, 1758.  His father was Henry Brandenburg (b 19
Aug 1781). The dates were taken from his father’s Bible.  He died
February 28, 1891 in his grandson’s (S. H. Sibert, M.D) home in
Fryburg, Ohio and is buried in St. Mary’s, Ohio.  This was written at that time
to establish heirship to a vast estate in Germany, the land Berlin is
built upon, and also a huge estate in Maryland (i.e., the land under
Baltimore!).  They had several family members searching and lawyers
meeting here and abroad.  At that time it was estimated to be 2000
heirs in America.  The value of these estates were as follows (1889).  To
the heirs of Matthias and Solomon $12,000,000.  To the heirs of Matthias
alone by bequest of two maiden aunts $14,000,000. To the heirs of
William Heinrich $11,000,000. (Jeff Shepler Jan. 22, 1999)

			To the Heirs of Mathias Brandenburg

	There is now an Estate in Prussia valued at Eleven Million Dollars,
the lawful owners of which are the heirs of Mathias Brandenburg, who died
in Kentucky in 1807.  Attorneys have been employed to recover the estate
on a contingent fee, and a small sum from each of the heirs will be
necessary to pay the expenses in the case.  It will be seen by the
contract entered into by the heirs at a meeting held in Louisville,
Ky., that we are to pay the attorneys a retainer fee of Six Hundred and
Fifty Dollars ($650.00), which is all they can demand or can possibly secure
until they succeed in getting possession of the estate for the heirs.
That amount and enough to pay the expenses of having the blanks filled
properly is all the money we need.  The whole success of the case
depends upon having the blanks filled correctly, and it is almost
impossible for the heirs to fill them without assistance.
It is expected that each heir will contribute at least Ten Dollars
($10.00), as a less amount will not be sufficient to pay the necessary
expenses, and we hope there is enough family pride in the descendants
of the House of Brandenburg in this country to induce them to contribute
the necessary amount to secure the estate.

A great wrong was perpetrated in confiscating this property from our
forefathers, but they righted the wrong as far as they could by
passing a law restoring it to the legal heirs, and shall we, for the want of a
little money, forever let it pass from us?  Shame upon us if we do.
We will not deserve to be classed among the descendants of the great
House of Brandenburg.

Some of us have been working on this matter for years and therefore
are better posted than those who have lately become interested in it, and
when we say we believe the property is there, that we are heirs to it,
and can get it, we mean just what we say.

The case has gone just as far as it can go without money, and unless
the heirs come to our assistance we will have to abandon it.  The
attorneys have done all they can do and it remains for the heirs to do their
part, and whatever they do must be done speedily, for the property will in a
short time revert to the Crown.  The bill restoring the property was
passed in 1860, our suit was filed in Berlin over a year ago, but
unless we prove our claim to it by 1890, it reverts back to the Crown, and
the only way to prove our claim is to fill the blanks properly.  These
blanks were prepared by our attorney in Berlin, and he is perfectly
familiar with what the German law requires, and when properly filled
will cover the case entirely.

The heirs are requested not to pay any attention to letters that are
being sent out by the Secretaries of the American Legation at Berlin,
as they are not paid to look up unclaimed estates, and consequently are
not in a position to give correct information.

We would advise the heirs to send money in registered letter to Mr.
Chas. D. Bell, No. 2613 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, Ky., who
will send a receipt to each heir for money contributed  and who will answer
all letters addressed to him on the subject of the Brandenburg family
or estate.

Owing to a failure of the committee appointed to prepare a circular to
the heirs to agree upon a plan, I as chairman of the meeting make the
foregoing appeal to the heirs.
						Very respectfully,

						J.  R. TAYLOR, Chairman

Wichita, Kansas, Nov. 23, 1888.
 	The following are the minutes of the meeting held at the Louisville
Hotel, Louisville, Ky., and are self explanatory.

		Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1888

At a meeting held this date at the Louisville Hotel by the heirs of
Mathias Brandenburg to devise ways and means to secure the 
Brandenburg estate, the following heirs were present:
		Col. J. R. Taylor		Wichita, Kansas
		Mrs. Jane A. Cole		Chicago, Illinois
		David D. Brandenburg		Mortonsville, Ky.
		Thomas Brandenburg		Mortonsville, Ky.
		R.  J. Beasley			Mortonsville, Ky.
		S.  W. Kennedy			Mortonsville, Ky.
		Chas. F. Taylor,		Louisville, Ky.
		Chas. D. Bell			Louisville, Ky.

	On motion Col. J. R. Taylor was elected Chairman and Chas. D. Bell

	On motion the following contract between the heirs of Mathias
Brandenburg and Jno. C. Keegan, Attorney, of Denver, Colorado, was
agreed to and adopted:

	This agreement made this, the 9th day of August, 1888, between the
heirs of Mathias Brandenburg of the first part, and Jno. C. Keegan,
Attorney, of Denver, Colorado, party of the second part.

	Witnesseth, That the parties of the first part whose names are signed
hereunto agree to pay to the said party of the second part the sum of
One Hundred and Fifty Dollars as retaining fee, and a further sum of
Five Hundred Dollars to be used in securing and perfecting records
from Germany to perfect the claims of the said parties of the first part,
in and to a certain estate claimed to exist there and known as the
Brandenburg Estate.

	The parties of the first part further agree to fill up correctly the
Heirship Blanks, which has been or may be sent them, and when so
filled the parties of the first part agrees to send all blanks so filled to
the party of the second part at Denver, Colorado, who with a representative 
or representatives to be designated by a majority of the heirs,
shall proceed to Germany to file said blanks with the proper court, 
there to secure the said estate for the parties of the first part, and in
consideration of the agreement of the parties of the first part being
fulfilled, the party of the second part agrees to act as Counsel to
secure for the parties of the first part and to secure to them the
estate known as the Brandenburg Estate.

The parties of the first part agree to pay the party of the second
part for his services the sum of ten per cent of the total amount of all
sum or sums of money realized from said estate as soon as the said estate
is probated and the proper German officer makes the distribution.


C.  D. Bell			Kate Gavin		Amy A. Hurst.
D.  D. Brandenburg		David B. Bell		John S. Hurst
Amos Brandenburg		Wm. Kingsley		
John H. Beasley for Agnes M. Beasley
Thomas Brandenburg		J. H. Taylor		J. W. Kennedy
J.  D. Brandenburg		Chas. F. Taylor

	On motion Chas. D. Bell was Elected Treasurer, and was authorized to
pay Jno. C. Keegan the sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars, the
amount called for in the contract adopted by this meeting between the said
Jno. C. Keegan and the heirs of Mathias Brandenburg, the said sum to be
paid as soon as the money is paid by the heirs to the Treasurer.  The
Treasurer was also authorized to go among the heirs and assist them in
filling their blank for which services he shall receive a reasonable
compensation and his expenses paid.  The Treasurer is the only legally
authorized person to solicit and receive money paid by the heirs to
defray the necessary expenses in the case, and each of the heirs
present at this meeting agree to be personally responsible to all the other
heirs for a faithful and honest performance of the duties of said C.
D. Bell as Treasurer.

	On motion Chas. F. Taylor and Judge Jno. C. Walker were appointed a
committee to prepare a circular letter containing full information to
be sent to all the heirs.

	On motion the meeting adjourned.
						CHAS. D. BELL, Secretary
						2613 West Jefferson Street
						Louisville, Ky.

Letter written to Henry Theodore Brandenburg in 1889 [furnished by
Jeff Shepler, May 29, 1999]

Mr. H. T. Brandenburg
Fryburg, Ohio

Dear Uncle Harry,

	We have finished the investigation of the Baltimore estate and find
that it was given to Paul Gorner, the father (perhaps) of Elizabeth and
Phoebe Gorner, who married Henry and John Brandenburg; that is the
Henry that was the father of Nancy Brandenburg, who married Grandpa’s 
Uncle Aaron.

	We are having beautiful weather, and the corn husking is going on.
We are all well as usual.  Have been looking for you down.


							Laomi Shepard
							Sulpher Grove, Ohio
							Oct. 23, 1889


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