Carl Joseph Kollenberg and Jessie Kathryn (Shore) Kollenberg
Carl Joseph Kollenberg was born on 9 Mar 1911.
His parents were Henry Kollenberg and Mary Louisa (Fischer) Kollenberg.
Henry Kollenberg was born 4 Nov 1873 in Chicago, Illinois. He died 5 Jan 1956 in San Antonio, Texas.
He is the son of Charles Henry Kollenberg, born 11 Jan 1850, and Emilia Kollenberg (maiden name unknown), born 1 Jun 1850. Both parents were born in Germany. Charles Henry Kollenberg died 3 Dec 1916 in Chicago. Emilia Kollenberg died 25 Jan 1937 in Chicago.
Mary Louisa Fischer was born 20 Nov 1883 in San Antonio, Texas. She died 10 Feb 1961 in San Antonio, Texas.
She is the daughter of Joseph Fischer, born 11 Mar 1850, and Louisa Fischer (maiden name unknown), born 16 Jul 1852. Both parents were born in Germany. Joseph Fischer died 3 May 1928 in San Antonio, Texas. Louisa Fischer died 1 Apr 1919 in San Antonio, Texas.
The information above is in a Kollenberg family record, shown on this page. In the 1910 and 1930 U.S. Federal Censuses, both of Mary Louisa's parents are shown as born in Germany; however in the 1920 census they are shown as born in France, with their 'mother tongue' listed as French.
Jessie Kathryn (Shore) Kollenberg was born on 17 Oct 1912 in San Antonio, Texas.
Her parents were Jesse Perry Shore and Anna Agnes (Gaffney) Shore.
Jesse Perry Shore was born in 1877 in Illinois. His father was born in Illinois, and his mother was born in Missouri.
Anna Agnes (Gaffney) Shore was born in 1872 in Texas. Her father was born in Texas, and her mother was born in England.
The life history of Jesse Perry Shore and Anna Agnes (Gaffney) Shore is shown in a separate page in the Family Gallery.
Carl and Jessie Kollenberg were married on 19 Aug 1935. They had one child:
- Carl Joseph Kollenberg, Jr, born 10 Mar 1944.
Carl died on 26 Aug 1996 in San Antonio. Jessie died on 20 Feb 2000 in San Antonio.
All of these Family Documents are shown below.
Census records.
The 1910 U.S. Federal Census shows the Kollenberg family living at 228 Clark Street, San Antonio. It shows the parents Henry and Mary Kollenberg with one child, Eleanor (age 1). Carl was born in 1911.
The 1910 U.S. Federal Census shows the Shore family living at 230 Sandmeyer Street, San Antonio. It shows the parents Jesse and Anna Shore with two children, Ernest (age 7) and Louise (age 3). Jessie was born in 1912.
The 1920 U.S. Federal Census shows the Kollenberg family living at 303 Elmhurst Avenue, San Antonio. It shows the parents Henry and Mary Kollenberg with three children, Eleanor (age 11), Carl (age 8), and Conrad (age 4 years and 4 months).
The 1920 U.S. Federal Census shows Anna Shore with four children, Ernest (age 16), Louise (age 12), Annie (age 9), and Jessie (age 7), now living at 130 Sandmeyer Street, San Antonio. Their father Jesse Shore was counted in a separate military census at Camp Travis, San Antonio.
The 1930 U.S. Federal Census shows the Kollenberg family still living at 303 Elmhurst Avenue, San Antonio. It shows the parents Henry and Mary Kollenberg with three children, Eleanor (age 21), Carl (age 19), and Conrad (age 14).
The 1930 U.S. Federal Census shows the Shore family living at 716 Denver Boulevard, San Antonio. It shows the parents Jesse and Anna Shore with two children, Margaret (age 19) and Kathryn (age 17).
The 1940 U.S. Federal Census shows Carl and Jessie Kollenberg married and living at 726 Essex Street, San Antonio. Their house is just across the backyard alley from Jessie's parents at 716 Denver Boulevard. Jessie is listed as Head of the household; Carl is listed as 'Husband'. Her occupation is 'Sub Clerk, Post Office'; Carl is not shown with an occupation.
Other documents.
A Kollenberg family record shows the family through three generations. The earliest recorded date is 1850; the last date is 1961.
Based on that family record and later information, here is a Kollenberg family tree:
Kollenberg Family Tree
Many photographs of the family are shown below.
A formal photograph shows Henry Kollenberg and Mary dressed for their wedding day. Another photograph is a portrait of Mary.
Photographs show Jessie with her parents Jesse and Anna Shore. More photos show scenes from Jessie's childhood.
Pages of Jessie's yearbook from Brackenridge High School, San Antonio, Texas (1932) show her formal school photograph, and show her together with her championship tennis team.
Here are two pages from the 1934 San Antonio City Directory. Carl and Jessie are living at their parents' homes.
Carl: Jessie:
His occupation is "Soda Dispenser" at a drugstore soda fountain.
Photos below on this page show Carl and Jessie as a young couple.
More photos show Jessie with two of her best friends, Ethel and Helen Brown.
More photos below on this page show the Kollenberg family with Carl, Jessie, and their son Carl Jr.
Two photos show both sets of grandparents, Jesse and Anna Shore, and Henry and Mary Kollenberg. They were taken in 1945 at the home of Carl and Jessie (Shore) Kollenberg.
First photo: In back: Jesse Shore, Henry Kollenberg, Mary Kollenberg, Anna Shore. In front: Jessie (Shore) Kollenberg and her son Carl Kollenberg Jr.
Second photo: In back: Louise (Shore) Green, Margaret Ann (Shore) Roberts (holding Cheryl Sue Roberts), Henry Kollenberg, Mary Kollenberg, Anna Shore. In front: Jesse Shore (holding Thomas Green), James Roberts, Carl Kollenberg Jr, Carole Ann Roberts, Joseph Roberts Jr.
More photos show the Kollenberg family gathered together on family outings and in front of their homes.
Greeting cards are from Carl Kollenberg, on duty in Europe during World War II, written to his young son Carl Kollenberg Jr. Other cards show birthday party invitations and holiday greetings from cousins and other family members.
Here is a list of names in Jessie's handwriting. It includes Carl's brother Conrad ('Connie') and his wife Bonnie, and Carl's sister Eleanor. Its date and purpose are not known, but the names may assist further research into the Kollenberg family heritage.
Jessie's List of Names
Burial records.
Carl died on 26 Aug 1996 in San Antonio. Jessie died on 20 Feb 2000 in San Antonio.
Carl and Jessie are interred together at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Texas. Their inscriptions are on each side of their headstone, and their gravesite is shown below.
Here are some images.
1910 Census Kollenberg Family
1910 Census Shore Family
1920 Census Kollenberg Family
1920 Census Shore Family
1930 Census Kollenberg Family
1930 Census Shore Family
1940 Census Carl and Jessie Kollenberg
Space Available
1912 Jessie Birth
1973 Jessie Birth
Space Available
Kollenberg Family Record
Abt. 1906 Henry and Mary Kollenberg
Abt. 1906 Mary Kollenberg
Zoom Color
1918 Jessie and Ann
1922 Frances, Ann, Jessie
1923 Jesse, Anna, Jessie, Ann
1923 Jesse, Anna, Louise, Ann, Jessie
Abt. 1925 Jessie
Abt. 1935 Jessie
1932 Brackenridge HS Yearbook Cover
1932 Brackenridge HS Yearbook Title Page
1932 Brackenridge HS Yearbook Faculty
1932 Brackenridge Jessie Photo
1932 Brackenridge Jessie Tennis Team
Carl, Jessie, and (Unknown)
Friend Ethel Brown and Jessie
Kollenberg Family
Kollenberg Family
Eleanor Kollenberg and Family
Eleanor Kollenberg and Family
Conrad and Bonnie Kollenberg
Friends Helen Brown and Husband
Friend Ethel Brown and Jessie
Friend Ethel Brown
Friend Ethel Brown and Jessie
Jessie and Friend Ethel Brown
(Unknown) and Jessie
(Unknown) in a Family Car
Carl, Jessie, sister Louise and Billy Copp in Corpus Christi
Jessie and Sister Louise
Sister Louise and Jessie
Carl and Jessie
Jessie and Carl in Mexico
1935 Carl and Nephew Joseph Roberts Jr
1936 Anna Shore, Jessie, and James Roberts
Jessie Zoom
Carl and "Pudgy" Photos 1 2
Jessie and "Pudgy" Photo
1942 Carl and Jessie
31 Oct 1942 Jessie, Anna, Jesse Shore, Roberts Children
1943 Roberts and Kollenberg Parents
1 2
1944 Birth Record Carl Jr
23 Apr 1944 Jessie and Carl Jr
Front Back
23 Apr 1944 Ann Roberts and Carl Jr
1944 Jessie and Carl Jr
1944 Jessie and Carl Jr
1944 Jessie, Carl Jr, Carole Roberts
Space Available
Space Available
Space Available
1944 Carl Jr, James Roberts, Carole Roberts Thomas Green
Dec 1944
1945 Henry and Mary Kollenberg, Jesse and Anna Shore, Jessie and Carl Jr
1945 Henry and Mary Kollenberg, Jesse and Anna Shore, with Grandchildren
Henry and Mary Kollenberg and Family
Kollenberg Family
Abt. 1945 Carl Jr
Abt. 1945 Carl Jr
Abt. 1945 Carl Jr
Anna Shore and Grandson Carl Jr
Henry Kollenberg and Grandson Carl Jr
Abt. 1947 Carl Jr
Abt. 1947 Carl Jr and Thomas Green
Apr 1948 Kollenberg Family
Apr 1948 Carole, Cheryl, James Roberts, Carl Jr
Abt. 1948 Carl and Carl Jr
Abt. 1948 Jessie and Carl Jr
Abt. 1948 Carl and Carl Jr
Feb 1949 Jessie, Carl Jr, and Carl
Feb 1949 Carl Jr
Feb 1949 Carl and Carl Jr
Carl and Nieces
Cousins Doris and Sandy
Cousins Doris and Sandy with 'Pat' and 'Mack'
Carl Jr and Cousins
1948 Letter to Carl
1950, 1953 Carl Jr School Photos
1950 Birthday Party Invitation
Valentine Card
Birthday Card from Roberts Cousins Front Inner
Easter Card from Carl to Carl Jr Front Back
1960, 1964 Carl Jr School Photos
Aug 1969 Jessie and Carl
Dec 1970 Jessie and Carl
Oct 1975 Sisters Louise and Jessie
Oct 1975 Sisters Louise and Jessie
Apr 1984 Carl, Conrad and Eleanor
Space available
Jan 1985 Carl and Jessie
Jan 1985 Carl and Carl Jr
Jan 1985 Jessie and Carl Jr
Dec 1985 Jessie and Carl
Dec 1990 Betty and Carl Jr, Jessie and Carl
Jessie in Postal Service Auxiliary
Jessie in Postal Service Auxiliary
Space available
2008 Best Friend Ethel Brown Obituary
Space available
July 2008
July 2008
July 2008
The Family's Home
Carl and Jessie purchased their home in San Antonio, Texas in September 1941.
Barely two months later the country was at war, with Carl serving in Europe.
He was mustered out on 10 October 1945, and at last
the family could begin living in their home.
Here are some views of the home where Carl and Jessie and their son Carl Jr lived.
17 December 2014