Trowbridge June 5 1849

     My Dear Brother and Sister

We received a letter from you in aprill 1848 and was very hapy to hear from you and that you and your wife and children was all well  which this leaves us all at preasent  thank God for it    We are also hapy to hear that you are so well provided for in this world and preapering for the Eternal World for it is time for us all to preapere for in the midst of Life we are in Death     My poor dear father died sudenlly on feby 19 1844     We have buried our dear blind boy    He died in a decline after 15 months illness on the 27 of December 1845 and was buried the first Sunday in 1846    His funeral sermon was preached the next Sunday from the words Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth     He died very hapy and there is no other doubt but what he is now with his Lord and Saviour     uncle townsend died sudently    aunt is liveing still     Mrs Hintons Martha her daughter and all are dead     your Mother is dead and
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left all she had to her sister     We rote several letters to her but had no answer     My Dear Brother we have been brought through a great maney trials and afflections since we saw you last but we are still alive and out of Hell which is a Mercy   our William is returned to England again and has been home to see us twice     He is now living in Liverpool     Little Sarah is grown quite a woman she is biger than ever i was    She was 22 ys old the last april  very steady girl    John is married and lives in Warminster     he has got 2 boys and 1 girl     he is working at the Cabinet trade     Henery is married and living in Trowbridge  his wife is lately confined with a little girl     James is at work for the same Master as John     Samuel is at home at preasent with his father and Alfred one you never saw and the 2 girls our youngest is 11 ys old and it is a great Blessing for us they all turn out very steady     But trade is very bad in England and try how we will we can hardly get a liveing     it was so bad in Frome we left and it is almost so bad here as it is there     your Brother have tried
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every place he can think of and every thing and it is no good for we can hardly get a bit of bread and cheese and it is the openioun of maney people that it will never be aney better in England.  and people are leaving England very fast and in particular old people because they wount be parted in the Workhouse in their old age     your Brother have been trying for this year to get money enough to come to you but it is imposible here for trade is so bad and the wages so very low to what it was when you left England and i wish we had left than     Dear Brother if you will be so kind as to lend us money enough to come to you we will come as quick as posible and you may depend on being paid the money again after we are there    please God we should live through the journey for they all know the way to work     there would be 6 or 7 of us that have made up our minds to come to you if posible we can    dr Brer please to answer this letter as soon as it is conveniente as we received no answer from our last letter written in May 1848 in which i told you many things i have not in this     Still i have much to say to you both but if it should please God that we should see other face to face it will
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be better than riteing     the potatos are affected again this year    this is the 4 year none hardly fit to eate   poor rates 3 shillings to the pound     We dread the Winter     We should be glad to come to you this Sumer if we can and and if we come please to send us word what we had better bring with us for it depends entirely on you about our coming for we canot save aney thing in Engd for to go aney where or for old age     Please to excuse your Brother for not riteing him self  for you very well know that he wount rite to any one  but he longs to see you both and the dear children     My dr B and Sister I must conclude with each of our love to you    Wishing the blessing of God may rest upon you all     Some more from your every loving
                  Brother and Sister
                  Thos & Mary Shore

Please direct to
Thos Shore
  Cabt Maker
  Hilperton Road