Transcription by Debra Tasker 26 Feb 2006.  Annotations are in red.


Mullingar Ireland    June the 29th 1850

     Dear Uncle and hant (Aunt)

I now take this favorable opetunity (opportunity) of adresing (addressing) thes (these) few lines to you hoping to find you both and my cusengs (cousins) in the enjoyment of good halth (health) as this leaves me at present.   Thank God for the same.  Dear Uncle I have often thought to Rite (write) to you before but I am a soldier witch (which) I sopose (suppose) my mother has told you before.   I have so often shiften (?) about that   one time I whould get your directions from home and lose it before I whould get time to rite (write) and another time I have been in places where I could get neither pen nor paper to rite (write) with.   So Dear Uncle you must excuse me for not riting (writing) to you before   Dear Uncle I have had sume (some) long voyages both by sea and land since I have been a soldier and I have had some hot fighting to(o).   I was wounded three times by Shots in the one battle for which I received and wares (wear) a Silver Medle (Medal).   I thought I should have been discharged on a count of my wounds but I was not disabled and therefore thay (they) have not let me go.   I have a good Character in the Regiment and that is the rason (reason) thay (they) whould not discharge me.   I have seen men pentioned of (pensioned off) that was not wounded half as bad as my self becase (because) thay (they) wanted to get rid of them thay had to(o) much trouble with them.   I heard from my Father and Mother last week and they are (?) and in good health.   2 or 3 of my brothers are married.   I sopose (suppose) I will be the last   dear Uncle like you I should like to see you and hant (aunt) and my cousins.   But I must not think about the like of that now.   I might sometime or other see some of you but I have 10 long years to serve yet.   But God knows where I might be then.   I might be in the grave before half that time.   I see many men die after braven (braving) the blood stained feild (field) and enduring all the (hardships?) a man could bare (bear).  But it is Gods will when he calls us we must go.   When I was engaged in the feild (field) I saw 10 – 20 and 30 men swept away into Eternity at the one time.   Both on my right and left.   But he was merciful to spare me.   Thanks to his holy name.    Dear Uncle I should think it a great pleasure to receive a few lines from you as I never have yet.   I hope you will grant my request.   So now I must conclude with my love towards you all so no more at present.   From your ever loving and affectionate


William Thomas Shore

to direct
to William Shore

H.  M.  62nd Regiment
Mullingar West Meith Ireland