Mystery Solved

31 March 2017


The man is Ebenezer Paul Brandenburg.

The woman is his wife, Matilda (Bailey) Brandenburg.



The first photograph is an earlier one of Ebenezer Paul Brandenburg
(born about 1819).

The same man appears in the two photographs.

These photographs were kept by Ebenezer's niece, Mary Ann (Brandenburg) Shore (1815-1892).

The Brandenburg family had corresponded in the 1870s, when they were trying to get titles to supposedly inherited estates in Prussia.  Their letters are on our heritage page for "The Brandenburg Family".

Ebenezer Paul Brandenburg was a prosperous farmer in Ohio, with a large amount of land and livestock.  Apparently he and Matilda traveled to Boston in 1868, had their photographs taken, and sent copies to the family.

Rebecca Anne Roberts
discovered the likeness in the
two photographs.

Rebecca is the great-great-great-granddaughter
of Mary Ann (Brandenburg) Shore.